

 “國際中文教育的多元樣貌— 教與學之創新


我們誠摯邀請您參與2019年12月16至18日於澳大利亞墨爾本威斯理學校(Wesley College)舉辦的第七屆國際學校華語教育研討會暨工作坊—「國際中文教育的多元樣貌— 教與學之創新」。本會旨在促進華語語言及文學於國際教育情境下的教學覺察與實踐,並同時討論與中文教育工作相關之議題,分享研究與教學成果。


根據本屆主題,我們徵求兩類摘要:1.研究論文摘要 2.教學實踐分享摘要。
1.    研究論文摘要是研究者分享其於國際學校華語教學及教師發展的研究成果。
2.    教學實踐分享摘要是學校老師分享教學實踐心得(課程設計、教學方法等)。




1.  中文(不超過500字)或英文(不超過400字);
2.  摘要應包含以下內容—
• 研究論文摘要須包含「研究背景、研究方法、(預期)研究成果及教學上的應用」。
• 教學實踐分享摘要須包含「課程設計原則、設計架構、具體教學計畫之有效性證據」。
3. 摘要延長截止時間:2019年8月31日,結果於2019年9月初公佈


(一) 摘要提交:請使用以下連結提交摘要
(二) 發表語言:普通話、英文皆可。
(三) 每位講者將有30分鐘發言,包含問與答時間。


國際學校華語教育研討會暨工作坊 (ISCLE)在過去七年已於臺灣、香港、中國、新加坡等地開花落地,透過大學學術單位支援、國際學校共襄舉辦,是大中華地區當今最具規模之華語教育研討會,受各教育組織與單位矚目。


聯絡人  澳大利亞墨爾本威斯理學校 強化語言課程主任 
TAI Debbie.tai@wesleycollege.net
+61 413 757 460
WECHAT ID:DebbieTai68
原文連結: https://www.iscle2019.com


The 7th International School Chinese Language Education Conference and Workshop (ISCLE 7)

Chinese as a Global Language– Innovative Teaching and Learning
Call for Abstracts


Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the 7th International School Chinese Language Education Conference and Workshop (ISCLE 7) which will be held at Wesley College Melbourne in Australia from 16-18 December 2019. The purpose of the annual ISCLE conference is to highlight contemporary practices of Chinese language and literature teaching and learning, in the context of international education, with a view to identifying for discussion issues of interest to educators and sharing exemplary practice. ISCLE 7 takes as its overarching theme, “Chinese as a global language – Innovative Teaching and Learning


For colleagues interested in presenting at ISCLE 7, we are calling for two types of Abstract: (i) Research paper presentations (ii) Workshop sessions that focus on the sharing of teaching practice.
(i) Research paper presentations will share studies from research into issues related to the teaching and learning of Chinese language and literature in the international school context.
(ii) Practice sharing presentations will provide opportunities for school teachers to share their good practice in relation to key elements such as curriculum design, innovative or creative pedagogies, the impact of institutional structures etc.

Sub-Themes: Abstracts for research paper and practice sharing presentations may be related to, but not limited by, one or more of the following sub-themes:
Sub-Theme 1: Teacher Professional Development
Sub-Theme 2: ICT in Teaching and Learning
Sub-Theme 3: Cross-cultural Teaching and Cultural Education
Sub-Theme 4: Teaching Pedagogies and Transformation
Sub-Theme 5: International Education
Sub-Theme 6: Language Assessment and Evaluation

Abstract Requirements

1.    The abstracts need to be submitted in either English (not exceed 400 words) or Chinese (not exceed 500 words).
2.    Abstracts should also meet the following criteria:
a.    Research paper presentation abstracts must include: research background, research methods, (expected) research findings and practical implications.
b.    Practice sharing presentation abstracts must include: design principles, design framework and the specific design, and (planned) evidence in support of the effectiveness.
3.    Submission Deadline: 
The due date for submission of abstracts is July 31, 2019. The result will be announced in early September, 2019.

Additional Information

1.    Abstract Submission: Abstracts should be submitted to the following website http://iscle2019.com/abstract
2.    Language of Presentation:English or Chinese (Mandarin)
3.    Presentation Time: 30 minutes for both research paper and practice sharing presentations (including Q&A)

ISCLE 7 is jointly owned and organized by:

·        Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language National Kaohsiung Normal University
·        Faculty of Education of The University of Hong Kong
·        Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs of I-Shou University
·        United World Colleges Changshu China
·        Chinese Language Centre International College of Chinese Studies of East China Normal University
·        Taiwan I-Shou International School
·        Yew Chung International School of Hong Kong
·        Canadian International School Singapore
·        Wesley College in Melbourne Australia with support from the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Victoria and professors at the University of MelbourneFor further enquiries, please contact: iscle2019@wesleycollege.net